David Moon, Critic;
w/ Soraya AmmannCore IV Studio, Spring 2024
from flooding, anchored by tens of thousands of pipe pilings and caissons →
Our proposal is one of partial retreat, recycling the impervious surface of the warehouse parking lot and creating a series of floodways, swales, and protected wetlands using the infrastructural roots of the train line as an anchor and a filter. The proposed landscape strategy will act as a sponge in the event of rising water levels and severe weather. A series of walkways at different heights weave their way through the landscape, converging to create moments of play that leverage the water to create protected natural pools and wetland playscapes. These walkways also act as thresholds, framing views above and underneath. At the heart of the project is a large protected wetland intended as a learning landscape for the students of the school, allowing both play and experimentation.
The enclosed volumes of our proposal utilize the existing pile foundations of the waterfront warehouses, adapting them to create a series of spaces that the residents of this part of Secaucus lack walking or biking access to. Most important of these is a K-12 school to both accommodate the increasing density of the neighborhoods adjacent to our site, as well as the distance to the nearest public school. Additional programming like a grocery store and library serve the expanding adjacent community as well as the proposed housing developments scattered within the proposal. A performance space caps the northern end of the site, drawing emphasis to a mobility hub that both connects Secaucus from through small-scale transport and the greater NY-NJ region through NJ Transit. Through it all, this mixture of walkway and greenway encourages all members of the community to move around by foot and by bike, be it to school, the store, cultural events, or work.